
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Season Two Of Clone Wars

I don't know about you guys but i thought season one was pretty good. its a good thing they made these series cause they really didn't have that many books on the clone wars. most were comics. this helps to fill in the gaps left by the other publications of lucasfilms. anyway, the second season is going to come out in the fall with the new character, the bounty hunter called Bane. who from the looks of the previews is going to be a tough enemy for the jedi. but what i really want is for them, since they already put asajj ventress in the clone wars tv show, to put durge in the tv show. Durge was a beast he beat the crap out of all the jedi, he was insane. they really need to put him in the tv series. anywho, the tv show comes out in the fall and of course is bound to be a good one.

-Josue C

1 comment:

  1. haha Yusuf on d blog bru dis might just b 1 oof the casual blogs ive seen so far AY!
